Friday, December 20, 2019

TBS as in 2019

Located at Level 4, This Nasi Kukus KLS,is extremely dangerous! Dont get near it if you are hungry, the surrounding is filled with fried chicken fragrance ! Very recommend people who like spicy food to try it out!

Level 4 also having a viewing deck towards a lake garden, the view is superbly nice with a sip of tea/coffee !

At corner near KFC & Subway, there is this small little massage shop which is run by blind person. I saw the price list is very reasonable. If you do have spare time, hope you can give them a support!

You can settle your PTPTN loan (tertiary loan) at TBS Level 4 as well. Previous year when the government banned people from leaving the country if you do not pay PTPTN, the establishment of PTPTN office in TBS helps to uplift the ban.

It's really getting more and more interesting in TBS , you can enjoy lounge service as in those in airport for a little fee , RM28 as during the time I saw it.

The transit hotel has upgraded itself to nicer appeareance - I find it quite trendy sense as those tube double decker make me feel as those like astronaut living spare. Super nice . Also feel a bit like Jedi is coming !

How is your TBS experience ? do share with us your comment if any ! Thanks !


Thursday, December 17, 2015



如果你在网上预定了车票,就提早30分钟来到柜台B与C 领取车票


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ticketing TBS 南湖镇购票处

The photo below shows the TBS centralized ticketing counter, the good point of buying from there is you could choose from various time and bus companies given the same day. The bus ticket that you buy from TBS online portal is the one can be bought in this centralized counters.  If you have purchased online ticket from TBS online portal, then you could print it out and exchange for a formal ticket at the rightmost counter, and you do not need to queue up (mostly)
这里就是南湖镇车站的中央统一购票处,好处是同一时间可以有不同的巴士公司选择、不同票价。大家在TBS 网页购买的车票也是到这里换票,就在最右边的专柜,不用跟大家一起排队等候。

But there are some big bus companies that did not agree for centralize ticketing (I believe is due to the commission), are also having their own ticketing booth at the inner part. If you bought these company bus ticket via their website ,then you should come to their individual counter for the formal ticket exchange.

Among these "independent" bus companies, there is 1 that Auleo prefer the most to travel to Singapore, that is Causeway Link Company. The reason is because this company guarantee will travel into Singapore via the Secondlink, which could avoid the huge jam normally seen at the First Link ("The Causeway"), It final stop is at Jurong East MRT station. For other companies, there is tendency that they would combine the passengers who are travelling south-bound to Johor Bahru & Singapore into 1 bus - it's time consuming to stop at Johor Bahru and then next travel to Singapore, as you could easily get caught in heavy traffic in Johor Bahru.
这一些“闹独立”的巴士公司,有一家是Auleo 自己吉隆坡往新加坡的首选,Causeway Link ,理由是该家公司“一定”是使用马新第二通道,因为它的停泊处是在新加坡西部的裕廊东地铁站,其他公司的话,就有可能会取道新柔长堤(取决于巴士公司是否能够凑齐整辆巴士的新加坡搭客,不够人就会拼入前往新山的搭客)

从右边角度拍摄:Photo below taken from rightmost.

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Friday, November 22, 2013

TBS Luggage Locker 南湖镇巴士总站行李储存箱

There are ample of self-serviced luggage storage service in TBS, you can easily find them near the TBS Police station.

在TBS 里,有许多寄放行李的自助式储存箱,就在警察局的附近。

 I find the charges are pretty reasonable, where the cheapest could go as low as RM3 for 12hour for small luggage or RM5 for 12hours for bigger ones.


But the charges for large luggage is slight at the high side, RM30 for 20hours max.
不过更大型的行李储存箱就略嫌贵了点, 30令吉(最多20小时)

After settling with your luggage, then you can plan for your day trip to the Malaysian's Federal Government's Administrate Center- Putrajaya, before leaving southbound for Singapore or Malacca.

处理了您的行李后,那你就可以前往马来西亚新行政中心-布城作1日游了,之后才离开吉隆坡, 南下至新加坡或马六甲。

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hotel Transit TBS 南湖镇总站旅馆


If you were to arrive in TBS quite late in the midnight or feeling tired, there is an option for your rest at the TBS fourth floor - Hotel Transit TBS.

Charging per day or hourly, you are flexible in choosing whichever that fit you better.

日租 70令吉/日
时租 15令吉/1小时

Per day: RM70
Per hourly: RM15


There are other services provided by the Hotel Transit TBS as well eg foot reflexology and luggage deposition service, with a reasonable fee.

For more details , can contact:
+6012 6886845
+6017 6797274

Thursday, October 10, 2013

南湖镇车站1马诊所 TBS 1 Malaysia Clinic

诸君如果在南湖镇车站感觉不适,可以去到坐落在偏远角落的1马诊所,实际地点是在3楼Maxis 电讯公司的后面。

If you do not feel well in TBS transport hub , you can look for the 1 Malaysia Clinic which is located at very corner side , to be precise, it's next to the Maxis Telco Shop at Level 3


大马公民 1令吉
外国人 15令吉
乐龄人士(60岁以上) 免费 (不清楚包不包括外国人)

The fees charged to the patients are same to other 1Malaysia Clinic over the country:

Malaysian: RM1
Foreigners: RM15
Eldery(above 60yrs) : Free (Not sure if included foreigners)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

吉隆坡南湖镇车站 Kuala Lumpur Tasik Selatan Bus Terminal (TBS)


Here is the buses alighting point , spacious enough for 15 buses alighting passengers at the same time, not to mention escalators are right there serving you.
KL Tasik Selatan

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