Friday, November 22, 2013

TBS Luggage Locker 南湖镇巴士总站行李储存箱

There are ample of self-serviced luggage storage service in TBS, you can easily find them near the TBS Police station.

在TBS 里,有许多寄放行李的自助式储存箱,就在警察局的附近。

 I find the charges are pretty reasonable, where the cheapest could go as low as RM3 for 12hour for small luggage or RM5 for 12hours for bigger ones.


But the charges for large luggage is slight at the high side, RM30 for 20hours max.
不过更大型的行李储存箱就略嫌贵了点, 30令吉(最多20小时)

After settling with your luggage, then you can plan for your day trip to the Malaysian's Federal Government's Administrate Center- Putrajaya, before leaving southbound for Singapore or Malacca.

处理了您的行李后,那你就可以前往马来西亚新行政中心-布城作1日游了,之后才离开吉隆坡, 南下至新加坡或马六甲。

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